Which Insulation Product Should I Choose?

There's a few things you should consider before choosing insulation, like for example are you trying to reduce sound or eliminate heat transfer?...

Reflective Insulation Vs Bulk Insulation

There are two different types of insulation groups; there is reflective and also bulk insulation. These two achieve two different outcomes but can often be confused for each other....

What's the difference between Laserlite 2000 and Laserlite 3000?

One of the main differences between the two Laserlites is the fact that Laserlite 3000 will provide you with better heat reduction properties. They're both high performance poly-carbonate roofing sheets that can block up to 99% of harmful UV ray's....

Which Shade Cloth Should I use For My Shade Sail?

If you're relying on a Shade Sail to keep you safe from the sun this summer then you'll want a shade cloth that can survive Australia's harsh climate while remaining stylish and affordable....

Things To Consider Before Purchasing A Shade Sail

There are some important things everyone should consider when buying Shade Sails. Whether it's relevant to design or performance, these few things will ensure that you're provided with comfort and not at risk from the harmful UV rays of the sun....